MM Untar Student Successfully Demonstrates the Ability to Compete in Today’s World

Untar Master of Management (Prodi MM) student Stephanie Clarissa won first place in The 4th Three Minutes Thesis Competition, Tuesday (21/11) online.

Stephanie presented her research entitled “Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty at Hotpot Restaurant in Jakarta” for less than three minutes in front of a jury consisting of academics.

The jury revealed that Stephanie has demonstrated her ability to compete in today’s world. According to the jury, the fast-paced era requires someone who is able to explain their research in a practical and interesting way.

Stephanie hopes that this achievement can be an inspiration for other students.

“Hopefully, my success will be the first step in encouraging other students to stay enthusiastic and continue doing research,” Stephanie continued.

Stephanie especially appreciated the guidance and direction from the Head of MM Untar Study Program (Kaprodi) Dr. Keni, S.E., M.M. during the competition process.

On the other hand, Keni encouraged students to participate in similar competitions. According to him, the competition not only tests their understanding of presenting their research, but also hones their ability to be skilled and confident in presenting their presentation in an interesting way.

Three Minutes Thesis Competition is an annual competition organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Andalas (Unand). This year, the competition was attended by 24 master’s level finalists from various universities in Indonesia. (ZR/AW)

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